Posted: March 12, 2011 in Uncategorized


You may feel that you have no idea which direction to go.Many of you have been  struggling in your life that the very thought of
your life no longer being a struggle is a foreign concept. As a result many people sabotage their own lives, which prevent them from
succeeding and thus solidifying the thought that life is really a struggle and they won’t succeed. Sad to say, many people fall into
that category. So how do you begin living your best life?

First of all, living your best life means living life your own way. It means the things that gets with your heart and soul. That is
the part of you that was vibrant as a child, but as you become an adult and began facing adult responsibilities, you lose that part of
you. Are you feeling miserable, unhappy, discontented in your life? Well,that is because your authentic self is buried under self-criticism, judgments, low self-esteem and a low confidence level.

Here are ten best life quotes:

1. Heal your emotions
2. Make peace with your past
3. Set boundaries for your life and avoid being a doormat
4. Keep a Journal and write out your toxic thoughts and emotions
5. Stop beating up yourself for your mis-takes.
6. Work on your self-image
7. Reclaim your self-value
8. Become Powerful internally
9. Meditate
10. Love yourself UNCONDITIONALLY!

As you begin to apply these best life quotes to your life you will begin to see results. Start loving yourself.Developing a self-love for yourself will help you to do more loving things to and for yourself. This will also help you to
commit to living your best life now. There are going to be times when your life will seem as if it is not moving.When you are unable
to bear the weight of your journey, surrender to a higher power and this will help you to continue on your journey. Don’t wait for
tomorrow to living your best life. You can’t live it tomorrow if you haven’t begun to live it today. You can only create a
powerful future when you have created and have begun living a powerful present.

this the importance of quotes about life

best life quotes 003

Posted: March 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

best life quotes that “God wants to increase you financially”.We all want to be wealthy, financially secure people
and believe that God will bless us to reach this goal. If God has truly blessed you to have wealth and you’ve achieved this
wealth in a positive way. But is money the way to find true happiness? I believe God blesses those they can help others less
fortunate. Not all of us will be blessed,but God gives all of us gifts for help one another.

But the true question is if our best life is come in heaven? If you are a non-believer your best life can absolutely be right now,
because you have nothing else to look forward.But as a Christian believer,this life can’t possibly be the best life, because God said
we suffer here on earth by sin,age,sickness and eventually physical death. No matter how much money you may have,we can’t take it
with us when we die.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” If you have someone whose life isall about pursuing wealth and pleasure, it is obvious, because that’s all they talk about.Best life quotes says, “His heart is
filled with the things of this life, and out of the abundance of his heart, his mouth speaks.” This person has no time for God because he’s too
busy trying to live his best life now.

But doesn’t God want us to be comfortable and financially secure? God never promised us health, wealth or success in this life. And
the church shouldn’t fill our heads with this illusion. But if we only trust and believe in Him he will take care of our needs
spiritually and financially. Faith is the key. The “live your best life now” theory is nothing more than the “positive thinking”.

best life quotes 002

Posted: March 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

The three best life quotes here that I have for you are very direct and simple to follow. Please don’t take these lightly for they are powerful
and do work. These best life quotes will allow you to open up a space in your life on how to live your very best life.

Step 1

Daily positive affirmations. Each day say positive affirmations about yourself in the present tense, and say it with emotion and
belief as if you already have what it is you are seeking. As you practice daily you will see results happen.

Step 2

Don’t compare yourself to others. It is very easy in this society to compare yourself to other people’s failures and success.
However, the real way to be at your peak is to focus on you. Focus on what you are becoming as a result of your affirmations. Focus
on the good qualities of yourself and always keep a positive thinking and work on you. Don’t spend too much time worried about how
other people are doing, focus on you.

Step 3

Give back. It is important to always be giving out to others what you want in return. The feelings of charity, and even something
small like a sincere compliment or smile at a stranger can make their day. Remember to always be giving out positive deeds to others, even if they don’t ask for it.

Live your best life by reading these quotes about life.

best life quotes 001

Posted: March 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

Successful people constantly push themselves to achieve greater success. Do you think this is out of greed? No it is not.

It is because successful people understand the importance of challenging themselves.The problem is too many people allow themselves to get into a rut, it is really easy to say. I can not or its not
possible or I could never or I am too old or too fat. Do you find yourself saying these negative thinking? If you do you unable to live your
best life until you change your thinking, your words and your behavior.

best life quotes that if you are happy with your life, if there is nothing to complain about, nothing that you would like to change, nothing you wished
you could do, nothing you wished you had. Then cool. There is no reason what so ever for you to challenge yourself.

But when smallest amount of dissatisfaction in your life then you need to get up from in front of the couch and do something to
improve your life. It does not matter what you want to improve and how long it takes you to improve it,but it is important that you have recognized that there is a need and you drag yourself up and set
about finding a way to change your situation.
I see so many people with great talents,and amazing skills who have fallen in to the mediocrity pit and have decided to take up residency there.

Yes it may take some work on your part and yes, the journey that you embark upon may take you down many different paths and it may
take quite some time before you come full circle but the fact is YOU did something, YOU decided enough was enough, YOU went out there
and made your best life happen, and YOU are the one who is going to benefit from it. You are discovering your best life now, instead
of sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else live a great life and get the things that they want if you fallow these best life quotes.

Never settle for mediocrity. In fact it against the law. I want you to being ordinary in your home. Do not do it yourself and do not
encourage your children to be average either. They are better than that, you are better than that and you deserve to be happily, joyously and gratefully basking in the warmth of Your Best Life.

best life quotes 06

Posted: March 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

Top 10 best life quotes to Help You

Our life is full of daily best life quotes after reading some daily wisdom from famous people, because these are the only light
that can give us hope not to surrender from the struggle of life.

Best life quotes #1

“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him Up” – Jesse Jackson

Try to do your best to make some efforts to assess a person that needs your help.

Best life quotes#2

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song” – Maya Angelou

That’s right,if the birds has no song,it will not sing. Humans do things because they have skills and talents.

Best life quotes #3

” The journey is the reward” – Chinese proverb

Anything you want to accomplish, needs your effort to work for it. You need to start your first step to finish to the last step.

Best life quotes #4

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You could present who you are and what talents and skills you possess that the world can get benefit of the world.

best life quotes ert#5
“Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies” – Ann Landers

You’ve to see the bright light facing you in the future. Don’t look back toward the previous life you’ve encountered, but make
that past experiences as your benchmark to make a better person you become.
quotes about life #6

” And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years” – Abraham Lincoln

use of your potentials to benefit for people.Don’t keep what you have, but rather share them to everyone. That’s where you can
achive a best life.

Best life quotes #7

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a
miracle” – Albert Einstein

There’s no such thing as a miracle in our lives. We have to work to get what we want. But, we strives to work for a quality
output as against an inferior product.

Best life quotes #8

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give” – Winston Churchill

We’re completely aware that we live on our own efforts according to our capacity to do it. But we live meaningfully by the
ability to share what we have to those who are less fortunate.

Best life quotes #9

“There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do” – Freya Stark

It’s what we believe that makes things possible and apparent that we enjoy most, than the things we don’t enjoy doing.

Best life quotes #10

“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature” – Zeno

We’re on earth as a transient visitor. We survive on the nature’s life support services offered to mankind. Therefore,
what’s available on earth must be preserved and not to be destroyed. Because, once there’s an imbalance of the ecosystem, there’s a
disagreement of life and disaster would become eminent.

best life quotes .2

Posted: March 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

Here are the best life quotes, as well as some self-reflection questions to ponder:

1. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed. – Michael Jordan

*These best life quotes say that Every failure brings an opportunity for growth and sets you up for future success in a new effort.Learning from failure will lead
you to greater achievement.

2. It is no use saying, “We are doing our best.” You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. – Sir Winston Churchill

*  This this quotes about life say that People use “I did my best”not doing what really needed to be done. you can do what is required to succeed. Using this
results-oriented strategy will help you achive your goal.

3. We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own
opportunities, but its own talents. – Eric Hoffer

* This best life quotes say that try new things to shine your passions and develop your talents. You may have talents but you are not know  about your talent.
When you desire something with a fiery passion, your mind will push you to take action and persevere until you’re successful.

4. We were born to succeed, not to fail. – William Barclay
This quotes about life says that we should know that we are for success not failour.when we are fail in our life than not be hopeless
because failour is key of success.

best life quotes .1

Posted: March 11, 2011 in Uncategorized


What are the reasons for accepting best life quotes?

The reasons for this behavior can be quite varied. For example,you believe that you don’t deserve what you want.Another possibility is
that someone else talks you into something that you don’t want. Or you tell yourself that many people would be happy with what you
have so that you are not allowed to be unhappy, to change or to look out for what you really want.

Why is mediocrity a curse?

In my opinion,(concerned to best life quotes) mediocrity keeps you from getting what you really want. The bad things are never those that keep living your
best life. Instead, those things that are just “ok” keep you from getting what you really want, because these are the things that
you are willing to accept. And as soon as you accept mediocre things in your life, you stop making efforts to fulfill your real wishes.

An example:

you are looking for a new place to live. you would accept a very dirty place with cockroaches,horrible neighbors, and loud noise?
Well, I am quite sure that you probably wouldn’t like to live in such a place. However, if you find a cheap place with just enough room and neighbors who won’t disturb you, then you’d think about renting or buying the

“Ok” is never good enough – at least in the long run.

But what if your goal was to live in a great neighborhood where your new neighbors might become your new friends, and
where you would have more than enough space and even a beautiful view from your balcony or terrace? If you decide to live in that
mediocre place temporarily, it might be a good solution as long as you don’t have the finances to afford the great place to live.
However, if you stay in this place forever and even forget about your original goal, then that is what I mean by calling it the “curse”
of mediocrity.

Don’t say it is “ok”

This is the reason why I just can’t stand listening to people say that something is “ok.”I prefer to hear that something was
bad or great,If it was bad, you will not accept it, and if it was great, then you will choose it and it will fulfill your
expectations and dreams. Only in the case when something is “ok,” the question of what will happen is still open, and perhaps you
might allow mediocrity to keep you from living your greatest life. hence these quotes about life play vital role in making the life full of wonders.

Famous best life quotes about relationship inspire people. The meaning of every word remains in their heart as long as they live.

Are you in-love or in despair? Your answer maybe yes or no… but if I ask you, “Do you have a favorite quotes about life?” Most definitely your answer
is yes! Every person has a favorite quotes about life which serves as a guide or an inspiration in life. Best Life Quotes about relationship capture
the interest of every individual because the topic centers on human emotion, it talks about love, life, happiness, sorrows and struggles of every man and woman.

It is not surprising that there are countless relationship quotes about life that have been written and distributed by famous and unknown personalities worldwide. These quotes serve as an inspiration to those who can understand the meaning and relate to the emotion and experience implied by the writer.
The most famous best life quotes about relationship were recorded and spoken by various personalities hundreds and even thousands of years ago. These
quotations were passed from generation to generation which are used in letters, speeches, articles, and books published everywhere.

Some of the most popular relationship best life quotes that inspired people around the globe were written by Sophocles, an ancient Greek poet and
tragedian during the 4th century who have written more than 120 plays in his life and his works survived until today.

Sophocles quotation, “One word frees us all from the weight of pain of life; that word is love” has been written millions of times in many books
that talks about love and relationship. Everyone agree to his idea that love is the cure for all human pains and sufferings. That is 100 % correct!

Shakespeare’s quotes about relationship include:

* “My bounty is as deep as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.”
* “Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.”
If you notice just like Sophocles, William Shakespeare also believed that love the spirit of a gloomy person. From the 4th to the 15th century the
idea about love did not change. It is still the most powerful word that affects every human being.

Victor Hugo powerful quotes about relationship are the following:

* “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.”
* “To love another person is to see the face of God.”
* “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.”

Victor Hugo’s meaning about love and life is the same in comparison with the quotations derived from the works of Sophocles and

The three greatest poets from different generations, from different parts of the world and spoke a language different from each other
(Greek, English, and French) have written quotes about relationship in their own words and style but to them the meaning of life and love is
the same.

How about the modern period – the 20th or the 21st century, do people talk about life and love differently? The answer is NO.

Are there popular best life quotes about relationship today? Definitely!!! People in our times are more expressive about their emotions and experiences
in life. Today, there are many ways where any person can publish their writings or quotations.

Here are some of the most popular best life quotes about relationship in the new era:

* “I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you.”—Roy Croft
* “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”—Helen Keller
* “In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.”— Mignon Mclaughlin

best life quotes for all

Posted: March 2, 2011 in Uncategorized


There are a lot of famous quotes about success that can help you find your direction in life. Words they may just be, but they hold great power.

Read on famous best life quotes about success and how to apply them in your life.
“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison wasn’t the kind of person who left his life in the hands of fate. No, he was the kind of man who worked diligently with his hands.

Without taking action, he would never have invented the phonograph as well as a host of other advancements in mass communication. Even though he
was a genius and, at one point was even called the wizard of Menlo Park, that didn’t stop him from working hard.

This shows that you can’t just sit on your laurels and that you can’t expect success to come to you, while you waste away on your living room
couch. Take it from Edison. Take action and you shall be rewarded for it.

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

Everyone wants to achieve success, but not everyone goes about it the right away. In his famous  best life quote about success, Einstein teaches you not to
focus on the superficial but on what really matters.

For example, if you want to become an award-winning writer, don’t be motivated by the title;instead be motivated by how much your work can
contribute to society.Be motivated by the quotes about life fact that you’re expressing yourself in the best way you know how. If your heart is
in the right place, the rest will fall into place.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

If you’ve been holding yourself back, then this famous best life quotes about success should be enough of a push to get you to do something with
your life! Most successful people started out from zero, so don’t be afraid to try out for something you really want and give it your all. Don’t
be afraid of not making it the first time either. Failure is only delayed success after all.

These are just some of the famous quotes about life for success that might help you achieve your own brand of accomplishments in life. Take it from these
three guys. Take action, be a person of value and start right now!

quotes about life for enjoyment

Posted: February 14, 2011 in Uncategorized

Anything that has the ability to motivate you to take action is a powerful personal development tool. Motivational Best Life Quotes and sayings are one
such a powerful tool that inspire and motivate us to take action. They have got power to motivate us to achieve success.
They strong our mental will and give us a kick in the rear to move us towards right direction.

Personal development and self improvement teachers have been using them to help develop their students to their full potential. They use them to
motivate and inspire their students and themselves. They  use quotes about life as their keys to achieve their goals. They know that how powerful
motivational best life quotes are in terms of motivating others to take action.

Personal Development gurus use them because they know the fact that there is no other motivational tool which is as effective as best life quotes.
They know that they can easily motivate their students and themselves to achieve anything in life using quotes about life.

In order to get success, the first thing you need to do is to get yourself in the success frame of mind. You need to believe in yourself. Most of the
people are not getting success because they simply think that they don’t deserve success. So they don’t even bother to try.

That’s very dangerous thinking. This negative thinking is stopping hundred of thousand of talented individuals to get success. They have
fixed mindset that great things are not possible for them. If you also think so, then let me tell you my friend that you deserve to get success. You
are an important person. You just need to change your fixed mindset to progressive mindset. You need to make workable personal development plan. Use
Inspirational Best Life Quotes and sayings as a personal development tool and make a decision to develop yourself to your full potential.

Remember, it depends on you how you use inspirational quotes about life. They can be very powerful personal development tool or just a few words. Now
it is up to you how you use these best life quotes. You can view them as a just of words, read them and forget them or you can use them as tool to
propel yourself and develop your abilities.

You are the CEO of your life. It is up to you to live your whole life with negative beliefs or visualize your outcome and take action towards success.